Fast Eddie 3.0•ReadMe   Introduction Have you ever wondered why the miracles of modern science can’t create a better 8-bit image? Have you ever worked your artistic soul into a frenzy creating a beautifully rendered image, only to have it look awfulwhen in 8-bit color? YOUR TROUBLES ARE OVER! Fast Eddie is a revolutionary shareware application for Macintosh that converts and compresses 24-bit color images without a loss of image quality. Fast Eddie creates an eight-bit optimal color palette that is used to represent a specific image. This has three benefits: • converted images can be brilliantly displayed using only eight-bit Macintosh video systems • file size of converted images is mathematically reduced to less than one-third their original size • converted images do not require decompression and can be saved in standard file formats. Fast Eddie is an implementation of LizardTech’s patented MCICR algorithm. In short, MCICR eliminates information not needed to properly display and print high quality photographs, computer graphics and 3-D renderings. While Fast Eddie can only read and write in the PICT format, registered users of the product can upgrade to LizardTech’s commercial product Planet Color™ (which includes support for interlaced gif, palette seeding, custom cluts, multimedia and batch processing of images). See Chapter4, Upgrade to Planet Color. Files converted to 8-bit )or less) using Fast Eddie of Planet Color can be imported into page layout software (PageMaker, XPress), image manipulation applications (Painter, PhotoShop, Studio 8), presentation packages (Persuasion, Director, Designer)—any application that can read and write standard Macintosh file formats. Proprietary Technology Fast Eddie is an approximation of the MCICR processes invented and patented by Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. LizardTech acquired rights to MCICR in 1992 through the Technology Transfer Initiative. Although Fast Eddie uses proprietary technology (MCICR), converted files are written in standard formats. This allows use of converted files in any application that reads and writes standard digital file formats. MCICR is unlike any other method of converting images from 24 to 8-bit (such as deBabbleizer and PhotoShop). While those applications use the most popular or high frequency colors in an image, Fast Eddie uses patented vector quantization technology that concentrates on the low frequency information in an image--producing excellent color detail and beautiful reproductions of your 24-bit images. MCICR is ideal for computer graphics, animation, digital film, photo databases, GIS systems, video production, interactive compact disk programs, “smart” maps in autos, consumer video games, arcade games, virtual reality (education & amusement), printing and publication (electronic and paper), scientific visualization tools, hand-held personal computers, hand-held digital video communication devices, high-definition television, garment/fabric design and manufacture, satellite data retrieval & analysis- - MCICR has endless possible uses! Shareware Registration Registration of Fast Eddie (US$25) includes support for converting multiple images at once, Power PC™ native code (that runs eight times faster than the unregistered version), technical support and a generous upgrade offer to Fast Eddie’s big brother, Planet Color. The unregistered version of Fast Eddie can only drag and drop single images and only includes the 68K code.